Resolve Bandwidth Issues

Bandwidth and WorkBooth®

Having an adequate Bandwidth is not only important when connecting to Percepta but to any other online activity that requires high speed internet and a reliable connection such as video conference, VoIP, online gaming, etc. Having a poor Bandwidth or slow connection to the internet means such programs will not work as expected such as webpages will take a long time to load, online voice calls will sound robotic or have poor sound quality.
Users connecting to Percepta must ensure to have a highly reliable Bandwidth to their home´s PC, failing to do so will bring poor customer service to our clients since you might experience problems when using Percepta´s software. Such problems as described before can be that the customer might not hear you properly and might hang up the call, this will be a failure to delivery good customer service.

How to detect bandwidth problems:

Bandwidth problems are easily detected as it will mean your internet speed will slow down considerably.
Common issues you will experience:

  • Webpages will take a long time to load up. If a simple page such as takes more than 10 seconds to load, this may mean you have a Bandwidth problem.
  • Regularly getting a page cannot be displayed or load when browsing online.
  • Experiencing poor video or audio quality when making online calls or video conferences.
  • If you have more than 2 devices connected to your home network (wifi access point or modem) and transferring files via the network takes a long time to copy files from one device to another.
  • After selecting your internet provider and signing up for internet service at your house, your ISP will offer you different internet speeds. If your ISP offered you a 10mbps service but you PC is only getting 5 mbps that might indicate severe Bandwidth issues.
What is your current internet speed:

By going to this website you can quick and easily check your internet connection. It is highly recommended that during the test, you disconnect any other devices from your network and refrain from using any other program that requires internet connection on the PC you will be doing the test, this is recommended for better accuracy.

  1. Select a server (dots on the map) close to your city and Click “Begin Test”
  2. After the test has been concluded, you will see the results like the following pictures:
  • Ping: This is how long it takes in milliseconds for your computer to reach another device on the network/Internet. A lower number means better. When using WorkBooth you are required to have no more than 120ms latency when testing to one of TeleTech´s Denver, CO server.
  • Download Speed: This is how many data can be downloaded to your computer measured on Mbps (megabit per second). Higher is better. The average speed in USA is 12 Mbps. Your ISP needs to provide on the details on your Mbps purchased when opening a contract with them. If your ISP says you should be getting 20Mbits but during the test your result is 3Mbits, this may mean you have bandwidth issues.
  • Upload Speed: This is how many data can be uploaded from your computer to the internet measured on Mbps (megabit per second). Higher is better. Usually this should be 10% to 15% of your download speed.
What can be causing bandwidth problems:
  • Bad physical connection from ISP to your house.
  • Saturated devices on your network or having several devices connected to the internet at the same time on your home network.
  • Bad Ethernet cable from the modem to your PC.
  • Watching HD videos from the internet (Youtube, Netflix) on any device connected to your network.
  • Large file transfers from one device to another on your home network.
  • Constant stream of data, such as surveillance footage from security cameras.
  • Downloading or uploading large files from the internet.
  • Packet loss and network latency.
  • Unauthorized usage or other users connecting to your home network without your consent.
  • Peer-to-Peer file sharing or torrents.
  • Virus, malware, bots and any other malicious software.
What can be done to resolve bandwidth issues:
  1. Contact your ISP, they have several tools that can detect if you have a bad connection from their network to your house. They can also run diagnosis on your modem to detect any immediate failure on it. They are also aware if there are outages on your area or temporary network maintenance.
  2. Consider replacing your Ethernet cables, from the modem to your PC. Even If the cables looks in a OK condition, the inside of the it might be faulty.
  3. Run a scan for virus or malware with your security software. There are types of malware that use your Bandwidth for malicious activities.
  4. During your shift, refrain from using any activity that might consume a lot of Bandwidth, such as HD video streaming (YouTube, Netflix), online gaming, video conferences (Skype, FaceTime) or peer-to-peer file sharing.
  5. Please note that Wi-Fi is an unauthorized connection type when working from home, you should disable your Wi-Fi adapter before you begin your shift. Also be aware that if you have a wireless network at your house with no security key set up or unsecure (WEP, weak passcode), your network might be compromised and unauthorized users might be using your Bandwidth for illegal activities. Please consider switching your wireless security protocol to WPA2 with a strong passcode.
  6. If your computer does not have the correct Ethernet network drivers installed, you might experience issues when connecting to the Internet, please contact your PC manufacturer if you believe the correct drivers are not installed, so the proper drivers can be installed.