Accessing Windows System Information

Method 1 View basic information about your computer


  1. Right-clicking on the start button, select Control Panel.
  2. Open System.
  3. Here you can see some specifications of your computer including CPU speed in GHz.

Method 2 Detailed System Information

Windows 7:

  1. Click on Start and in the white search box above the Start button, type in: msinfo32
  2. Hit Enter
  3. The System Information window will then open

Windows 8.1:

  1. Go to “Control Panel” (Press Windows Key + Q and type control …)
  2. In Control Panel, Scroll down and click “Performance Information and Tools”
  3. On the left, Click on the bottom item “Advance Tools”
  4. The 6th item should be “View Advanced System Details in System Information”
  5. The System Information Window will then open

Tip: You can also access the Run command by pressing the Windows logo key Picture of the Windows logo key + R. And type msinfo32, within all versions of Windows to view System Information.

The initial screen that pops up will show you a detailed list of information about your system